What We Do
Celebrating 15 Years of Constitution Education Programming!
Constituting America has engaged millions of Americans both online and via the national media, through promotion of our winners’ Constitution-themed songs, PSA’s and short films, and through our national school speaking program.
via 81 radio stations
Best Song Winners
via 5 social media platforms
via 275 TV stations
Best PSA Winners
“History Holds the Key to the Future” Program Video Views
via YouTube
History Holds the Key to the Future
via 118 Film Festivals
Best Short Film Winners
Students & Adults
via 806 speeches
Constituting America Classroom Speeches
Constituting America is committed to reversing the trend of civic apathy and ignorance permeating our society today. Our mission is to teach students and adults across America about the nonpartisan relevancy of the U.S. Constitution and the principles of self-governance inherent in our founding documents. Click here to download our most recent Annual Report.
Our annual scholarship contest for students, from kindergarten to graduate school, encourages America’s youth to create original works (songs, essays, speeches, short films, PSAs, STEM projects, marketing plans) about the relevance of the U.S. Constitution. Since 2010, we have awarded scholarships and educational trips (everywhere from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Nashville and even to Hollywood) to the winning students, where they meet with professional mentors in their field and constitutional scholars.
Constituting America allows winning students to star in our annually produced documentaries and clips, re-record their winning songs, and film music videos. Constituting America hires experts and firms to promote the winning works nationally on television, radio, movie theaters, newspapers, and magazines. We seek to not only educate but propel the careers of America’s rising generation.
Two Forums
Two Speeches
Our Speaking Initiative serves public schools, private schools, charter schools, and after-school programs across America, empowering students to learn about the Constitution and the importance of being civically engaged at a young age. Reaching over 86,930 students and adults to date, Constituting America’s award-winning speaking team educates all grades at schools nationwide, from Quincy, Massachusetts to Phoenix, Arizona. These in-person or virtual presentations are free to schools!
In the most recent academic year alone we reached 20,112 students through 474 live presentations in 151 schools in 15 states—a 40% increase in the number of schools we reached over the last school year
In these interactive presentations, Constituting America takes a unique approach. Instead of simply talking to students, our presentation engages students in the discussion of how they hold a vital role in government and can participate, even at a young age. PSAs, songs, and clips of our winning scholarship recipients are included in the presentation.
Our weekly LIVE Constitutional Chats podcasts feature Cathy Gillespie and student panelists Tova Kaplan, Jewel Gilbert, and Jorne Gilbert. Each week, we are joined by expert Constitutional Scholars and guests to discuss relevant Constitutional topics! We initiated this program as schools began to close down in March 2020.
“As a parent who suddenly became a homeschool teacher, this zoom seminar was a new and interesting way for our son to learn about our government. Thanks, Constituting America!” – Andi Bottner, Parent
After the Zoom, Andi Bottner’s son recognized: “Checks and balances are important because one branch can’t get too powerful. That would be bad for our country” – Clark Michael, Student
Click here for our archives!
Our founding father forums provide a unique opportunity for students and adults to hear from our founding fathers and mothers on important issues that face our society today, thanks to our partnership with American Heritage Theater in Philadelphia. These historian actors debate on stage in full costume, presenting to large assemblies (perfect for Constitution Day field trips), or live in your classroom. These forums were previously hosted in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Denver with rave reviews.
Academic Resources
Our “History Holds the Key to the Future” online annual forums are an educational resource for adults including essays from college professors and scholars across America. Previous studies have included the Federalist Papers, the Constitution, the Amendments, the Classics that Inspired the Constitution, Executive Branch Overreach, Presidential Elections, the Supreme Court, and Congress.
These 1,426 essays by over 213 Constitutional Scholars, Historians and Elected Officials are archived and searchable on our website, and have received over 4 million views!
Click here to view 2024-2025’s “History Holds the Key to the Future” Study Schedule entitled The Genius of America – A Journey Into Our Republic: A Study on De Tocqueville’s Democracy In America. Click here to listen to these essays on our YouTube channel!
Click here to view 2023’s “History Holds the Key to the Future” Study Schedule entitled First Principles of the American Founding: Timeless Exchanges and Ideas Resulting in the United States Constitution. Click here to listen to these essays on our YouTube channel!
Click Here to view 2022’s “History Holds the Key to the Future” Study Schedule entitled: American Exceptionalism Revealed: The Historic Rise and Fall of Worldwide Regimes and How United States Founding Wisdom Prevails. Click here to listen to these essays on our YouTube channel!
Click Here to view 2021’s “History Holds the Key to the Future” Study Schedule entitled: Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor: A Study on the Declaration of Independence. Click here to listen to these essays on our YouTube channel!
2010: The Relevancy Of The Federalist Papers
2011: A Study of the U.S. Constitution
2012: A Study of the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution
2016: The Intrigue of Presidential Elections and Their Constitutional Impact
2017: The United States Supreme Court: Landmark Decisions And The Justices Who Made Them
2018: Fire On The Floor: The Rules, Conflict and Debate That Fuel The United States Congress
2021: Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor: Exploring the Declaration of Independence