American Exceptionalism Revealed

90-Day Study 2022

Essay #1 — HISTORIC TOPIC #1: Plato, Aristotle, and Ancient Greek Thought on Human Nature and Good Government – How they succeeded and how they failed.

Essay #2 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Plato, Aristotle, and Ancient Greek Thought – Their thinking and debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses and failures.

Essay #3 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of Plato, Aristotle, and Ancient Greek Thought – Specifics in the Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures; see requirements for electors and elected officials.

Essay #4 — HISTORIC TOPIC #2: The Constitutions of Athens and Sparta (Democracy and Oligarchy and Instabilities of Each) – How they succeeded and how they failed.

Essay #5 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Constitution of Athens and Sparta – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalists, but rather a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Madison focuses extensively on the distinctions between the U.S. Constitution and ancient Foundings in Federalist No. 38; Fed. 10, 18, 38, 55, 63.

Essay #6 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: — Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Constitution of Athens and Sparta – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures; Focus on limited/enumerated powers of Congress in Article I, Section 8, and the ratification/amendment process.

Essay #7 — HISTORIC TOPIC #3: — The Stoics and Classic Roman Thought on Human Nature and Good Government (Cicero and Universal; Law; Polybius and Balanced Government) – How they succeeded and how they failed.

Essay #8 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: — Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Stoics & Classic Roman Thought on Human Nature & Good Government – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Fed. 47, 51, 57, 66.

Essay #9 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: — Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of The Stoics & Classic Roman Thought on Human Nature & Good Government – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures.

Essay #10 — HISTORIC TOPIC #4: The Roman Republic (From Aristocracy To Dictatorship) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #11 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Roman Republic – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalists but rather a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Focus on Federalist Papers view of executive and also on improvements to Roman Senate by Madison. Fed. 10, 34, 41, 70.

Essay #12 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Roman Republic; Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures – Necessary & proper clause in Article I section 8; Nature of the vesting clause of executive power in Article II.

Essay #13 — HISTORIC TOPIC #5: Five Hundred Years of the Republic of Venice (What is a Republic) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #14 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Five Hundred Years of the Republic of Venice – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalists but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. See Federalist No. 39 on “what is a republic?” See James Madison’s “Vices” on “republican principle” & majority rule. Fed. 9, 14, 39, 51, 52, 55, 57. No titles of nobility may be granted by the U.S. [Article I, Section 9] nor by any state [Article I, Section 10]; nor may a person holding the office of honor in federal government receive a title from a foreign country [Article I, Section 9].

Essay #15 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of Five Hundred Years of the Republic of Venice –Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures; Republican Guaranty clause.

Essay #16 — HISTORIC TOPIC #6: Holy Roman Empire (Imperium in Imperio, Ruler Elected by Electoral College) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #17 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Holy Roman Empire – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. See Federalist #18-20 on problems with ancient confederacies – failures to act because of disagreements between member states. Fed. 19, 22, 43.

Essay #18 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: — Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of Holy Roman Empire – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures; Modes of an election, especially for executives.

Essay #19 — HISTORIC TOPIC #7: United Provinces of the Netherlands (Federal Head Over Constituent Sovereigns) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #20 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of United Provinces of the Netherlands – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. See Federalist #18-20 on problems with ancient confederacies – failures to act because of disagreements between member states. Fed. 15, 20, 54.

Essay #21 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: — Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of United Provinces of the Netherlands – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures. Supremacy clause; Article I section 10 (limits on state power); Article IV (on relations between the states).

Essay #22 — HISTORIC TOPIC #8: Machiavelli & the Science of Politics (The Pursuit & Maintenance of Power by the Ruler) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #23 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Machiavelli & the Science of Politics – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Machiavelli calls for an energetic executive to do the things necessary for the security of both his power & the lives & property of his subjects; the problem is the lack of checks on executive authority (at least in The Prince). Contrast Federalist #51 on checks & balances with Federalist 72 on the need for the energetic executive. See Federalist 23 for the need for energy in government to achieve necessary ends. Fed. 31 (“science” of politics to prevent excess power). Fed. 37 (limitations of the science of politics). Fed. 51.

Essay #24 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of Machiavelli & the Science of Politics – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures. Impeachment, treason, legislative process.

Essay #25 — HISTORIC TOPIC #9: The “Sun King,” Louis XIV (The King As Sovereign) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #26 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the “Sun King,” Louis XIV – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Fed. 69, 70.

Essay #27 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the “Sun King,” Louis XIV – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures.

Essay #28 — HISTORIC TOPIC #10: King Versus Parliament in 17th Century England (From Absolutism to Constitutional Monarchy; Montesquieu) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #29 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of King Versus Parliament in 17th Century England – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. See Federalist #68 contrasting constitutional executive to a monarch. See Brutus, Cato No. 4, & Old Whig No. 5 on dangers of absolute/hereditary monarchy. Fed. 26, 47, 52.

Essay #30 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of King Versus Parliament in 17th Century England – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures.

Essay #31 — HISTORIC TOPIC #11: The Mayflower Compact & the City of God on Earth (Government by Consent; Government in the Service of God) – The genesis of self-government, the strengths & weaknesses.

Essay #32 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Mayflower Compact & the City of God on Earth – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures – or in THIS case, IMPROVED upon or BUILT upon their genius. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. See Federalist & Anti-Federalist literature on American exceptionalism – what makes America special? Federalist #37: “It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently & signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution.” Brutus I’s use of Biblical language to describe the importance of the ratification question. Fed. 37, 69. Religious test oaths were prohibited under Article VI, Section 3. Religious liberty & 1st Amendment; Virginia Memorial & Remonstrance of 1786, as well as Statute for Religious Freedom of that year. Massachusetts Constitution of 1780.

Essay #33 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Mayflower Compact & the City of God on Earth – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures; Preamble: “Secure the blessings of liberty.”

Essay #34 — HISTORIC TOPIC #12: The Creation of Colonial Governments in British North America (Types of Charters; Eventual Failure & Royal Control) – How they succeeded & how they failed.

Essay #35 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Creation of Colonial Governments in British North America – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Thomas Jefferson, “Rights of the British Colonies”? David Ramsay (Federalist historian) on colonial histories & abuses by British; Brutus I against expansion/empire; Fed. 52.

Essay #36 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Creation of Colonial Governments in British North America – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures. Addition of territory/admission of new states.

Essay #37 — HISTORIC TOPIC #13: The American Declaration of Independence (Musings on Human Nature & the Basis of Government; Revolution) – The genius of the genesis.

Essay #38 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful CONTRIBUTING Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist (FOUNDING FATHERS) to the American Declaration of Independence – See Federalist #40 on right to revolution, and #43 on the transcendent right to preservation by the law of nature; Fed. 28, 39, 40, 49, 78.

Essay #39 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful WISDOM from FOUNDING FATHERS to PRESERVE the American Declaration of Independence.

Essay #40 — HISTORIC TOPIC #14: Chaos & Experimentation in the Early State Constitutions (Legislative Dominance; Who Makes Constitutions) – The strengths & weaknesses.

Essay #41 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful WISDOM of FOUNDING FATHERS to the EXPERIMENTATION in the Early State Constitutions – FOUNDERS WISDOM & lessons noted to this experimentation; John Adams “Thoughts on Government”; James Madison, “Vices of the Political System of the United States”; Federalist No. 9 & 10 on “petty republics” & problem of faction in states; Fed. 47, 48, 53, 81, 83.

Essay #42 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the EXPERIMENTATION in the Early State Constitutions – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures; The legislative process on Constitution; function of the federal courts & judicial review.

Essay #43 — HISTORIC TOPIC #15: From the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution (Government in Stasis, What Is/Are the United States) – Strengths & weaknesses.

Essay #44 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the EXPERIMENTATION of Articles of Confederation to the Constitution – Brutus I on nature of the Union; Hamilton to James Duane, 3 September 1780; Madison, “Vices of the Political System of the U.S.”; Federalist #15 on the situation under the Articles of Confederation; Generally Fed. 15-22; Fed. 39, 40, 43; Anti-Fed.: Eleventh Letter of Centinel, in Independent Gazetteer, January 16, 1788, in McMaster & Stone, Pennsylvania & the Federal Constitution, (1888), pp. 634-637; also in Morton Borden, The Antifederalist Papers, (1965), Antifederalist No. 6.

Essay #45 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: From Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Articles of Confederation & the Constitution – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent weaknesses in Articles; How the Constitution creates a “more perfect Union.”

Essay #46 — HISTORIC TOPIC #16: The Bill of Rights (Why? Types of rights? Source of rights?) – Why a bill of rights…what in constitution & fears of big government warranted it such as: where England failed with Magna Carta.

Essay #47 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful COLLECTIVE Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the NEEDS of the Bill of Rights – Brutus IV; Federalist No. 84; Madison, “Letter to Jefferson,” 17 October 1788; Madison, Speech in the House of Representatives, 8 June 1789; Anti-Fed.: An Old Whig, in The Massachusetts Gazette, November 27, 1787; also in Morton Borden, The Antifederalist Papers, (1965), Antifederalist 18-20; Fed. 84; Declaration of Independence, petitions from states during ratification, debates in Congress.

Essay #48 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful FOUNDERS Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution That WAS a BILL OF RIGHTS & How LIMITED GOVERNMENT IN CONSTITUTION WAS a BILL of Rights – There are several places in the Constitution (before the Bill of Rights) in which rights are protected by provisions: e.g., no titles of nobility, no ex post facto laws, no suspension of habeas corpus unless invasion/rebellion, no bills of attainder, etc.

Essay #49 — HISTORIC TOPIC #17: The Importance of Virtue: John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Taylor of Caroline (Education & Training – Virtue As Fundamental to Republican Government; Separation of Powers & Other “Auxiliary Precautions”).

Essay #50 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful CORRESPONDING Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the WISDOM of the Importance of Virtue – John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Taylor of Caroline. John Adams letters to Abigail Adams, Mercy Warren, Thomas Jefferson Federalist No. 51, 55; Adam’s writings in 1776, 1798; Fed. 56, 76.

Essay #51 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful CORRESPONDING Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Importance of Virtue – John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Taylor of Caroline.

Essay #52 — HISTORIC TOPIC #18: The French Revolution & the Reign of Terror (Violent Revolutions Versus Peaceful Change) – The success & failures of the French Revolution. Jefferson’s naïveté & Adam’s prescience.

Essay #53 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the French Revolution & the Reign of Terror – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Federalist No. 1: “Reflection & choice.” Fed. 40, 49, 78.

Essay #54 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the French Revolution & the Reign of Terror – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures.

Essay #55 — HISTORIC TOPIC #19: The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte (Preventing One-Man Rule Through Layered Election & Separation of Powers) – The essayist will talk about why and how Napoleon succeeded. Also how he manipulated & excited people to think he could succeed.

Essay #56 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Fed. 38, 70

Essay #57 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s failures.

Essay #58 — HISTORIC TOPIC #20: The Communist Manifesto (Views On Human Nature & Class Loyalties; Madisonian Pluralism) – Why & how the Communist Manifesto manipulated & excited people to think it could work. Additionally, the obvious & subsequent failure. In essence: success (manipulations) & failures with its theories.

Essay #59 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Communist Manifesto. – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Federalist No. 10 on human nature & protection of property; Fed. 10, 51, 54, 70.

Essay #60 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Communist Manifesto – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent previous regime’s manipulations & failures; How the Constitution protects one’s property but minimizes class distinctions concerning rights.

Essay #61 — HISTORIC TOPIC #21: The American Civil War: Disunion & Reconstruction (What is the Union; Secession; “An Indestructible; Union Composed of Indestructible States”).

Essay #62 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the American Civil War. This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalists but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Federalist #2-4 on the benefits of Union; Federalist #5-6 on dangers of sectionalism (including on economic grounds); Fed. 42, 59.

Essay #63 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the American Civil War: Disunion & Reconstruction – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent such disunion; Nature of representation in the House & Senate; electoral college mode of electing President.

Essay #64 — HISTORIC TOPIC #22: World War I & the Collapse of the Old World Order (Federalist 6/7 & Conflicts Among Republics); The success of the Old World Order & where it failed & how it led to WWI.

Essay #65 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of World War I & the Collapse of the Old World Order – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalists but a commentary on their corresponding prescience. Fed. 6, 7, 74, 75.

Essay #66 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of World War I & the Collapse of the Old World Order – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures.

Essay #67 — HISTORIC TOPIC #23: Stalin & the Military Regime; The use of persuasion & how Stalin slyly manipulated the people & situation into a Military Regime.

Essay #68 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Stalin & the Military Regime – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Federalist justification of standing army; Anti-Federalist concerns; Fed. 25, 26, 28, 41, 46.

Essay #69 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to Stalin & the Military Regime – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures.

Essay #70 — HISTORIC TOPIC #24: The Progressive Vision & Its Challenge to the Constitutional Order (“Negative” Constitution to Protect Liberty Inherent in Individuals From Government, to “Active” Government to Reshape Society Into an “Organic” State in Which Individuals Are Mere Cogs) – The progressive movement, what vulnerability in the U.S. populace led to it, why it succeeded, how it has “failed” or been limited.

Essay #71 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Progressive Vision & its Challenge to the Constitutional Order; Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures – or in this case, had a loophole that allowed it; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience.

Essay #72 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Progressive Vision & its Challenge to the Constitutional Order – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how it has prevented full progressive movement or could if people understood the Constitution better.

Essay #73 — HISTORIC TOPIC #25: The Economic Depression & the Birth of New Deals & Great Societies (Dangers of an Administrative State Governed by Unelected Bureaucrats; Separation of Powers; Judicial Review; Due Process; Status of Rights in Property).

Essay #74 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Economic Depression & the Birth of New Deals & Great Societies – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience.

Essay #75 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Economic Depression & the Birth of New Deals & Great Societies.

Essay #76 — HISTORIC TOPIC #26: Hitler & the Third Reich – How Hitler used an economic crisis to fool the German people and lead them into tyranny and evil.

Essay #77 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the evil and tyranny of Hitler & the Third Reich.

Essay #78 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the evil and tyranny of Hitler and the Third Reich.

  • The United States Constitution as a Bulwark Against Tyranny by Jeanne McKinney, Military Writer at Patriot Profiles; Award-winning Military Journalist; Winner of multiple San Diego Club “Excellence in Journalism Awards” and eight first place honors; Published, among many, in Working Dog Magazine, Homeland Security Today.

Essay #79 — HISTORIC TOPIC #27: Chairman Mao & the Cultural Revolution (Freedom of Speech & Religion; Right to Direct the Upbringing of Children) – What led to Mao’s take over & the rise of the Cultural Revolution.

Essay #80 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of Chairman Mao & the Cultural Revolution –Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience.

Essay #81 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of Chairman Mao & the Cultural Revolution – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent the previous regime’s failures.

Essay #82 — HISTORIC TOPIC #28: The Creation of the United Nations & the “Citizen of the World” (Treaties; Nations; Borders; Citizenship) – Reasons why people thought it was a good idea & how the failures of international regimes in the past led to it.

Essay #83 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Creation of the United Nations & the “Citizen of the World” – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Federalist #6 on foreign policy & motives of other nations.

Essay #84 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Creation of the United Nations & the “Citizen of the World” – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent such global interplay.

Essay #85 — HISTORIC TOPIC #29: The Collapse of the British Empire – America’s Manifest Destiny but also our curbing of international domination & overreach & how the founders wisdom led to such curbing.

Essay #86 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Collapse of the British Empire – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Brutus & other Anti-Federalists on problems of representation in “large republics” (i.e., empires).

Essay #87 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failures of the Collapse of the British Empire – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent large republics & international interplay & allowance of international involvement & its dangers.

Essay #88 — HISTORIC TOPIC #30: The Failings of Utopian Creation Experiments (Framers As Constructing Workable Government, Not an Ideological Blueprint; Madison’s “Best Possible” Government; Franklin’s Pragmatism; Connecticut Compromise; Compromise Over Slavery Issue) – The dangers of utopian thinking in our American Republic. How our founders were aware & educated about historic failings. How we should have such awareness & education as a populace to prevent such historic failures in our republic – as history has endured before & after our founding. How our founders’ prescience & founding documents still hold true, that this is why we are exceptional. “A republic if we can keep it.”

Essay #89 — FEDERALIST & ANTI-FEDERALIST’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom of Federalist/Anti-Federalist to the Failures of the Failings of Utopian Creation Experiments – Their thinking/debates about how to prevent the previous regime’s weaknesses/failures; This is not a counteracting debate between Federalists & Anti-Federalist but a commentary on their corresponding prescience; Fed. 14, 31, 37, 85.

Essay #90 — THE CONSTITUTION’S WISDOM: Successful Counteracting Wisdom in the U.S. Constitution to the Failings of Utopian Creation Experiments – Specifics in Constitution dealing with how to prevent Utopian Creation Experiments.

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