Jayden Mann
My name is Jayden Mann, I’m 16 years old from Midwest City Oklahoma. I attend Destiny Christian High School as a Junior. History has always fascinated and intrigued me. I participate in art and drama. Some of the plays I’ve acted in are Godspell, The One Act Play That Goes Wrong, Peter Pan and many more. During my free time you can catch me listening to music, reading, or playing with my dogs, Scooby and Chalula. I am passionate about what is going on in America and pray to make a difference in our future.
Watch Jayden’s Winning PSA Below:
Our Interview with Jayden
Was this the first time you entered the contest?
How did you hear about the contest?
Through my American History teacher! She showed us a video and made it a grade for us to do.
What inspired your work?
The fact that people in this country are having a hard time finding their voice in fear of being shut down. Everyone has an opinion and therefore we should try to meet in the middle and compromise to find a solution.
What did you learn while creating your entry?
That there are multiple articles explaining the importance of freedom of Speech and how many amendments there are to keep and support this valuable right.
How do you plan to spread the word this year to your peers about the importance of the U.S Constitution?
By spreading things that are happening in this country and what our constitution says on how we can help fix it.
How do your friends respond to history or talking about the Constitution?
Most of my friends are into government affairs and our rights so when I get to talking about something they normally join into the conversation even if we have different views. It’s better to know everyone’s views than to be clueless.
What do you love about U.S History and the forming of our government?
That we saw what we want and went after it. We’re still building to make our country strong but the foundation our founding fathers laid out for us is strong.
Which U.S. historical site would you like to visit?
Independence hall in Philadelphia. It is where we officially declared our independence from England.
Which American historical figure is most influential/inspirational to you?
Gertrude Simmons Bonnin. She is a Native American political activists for native Americans rights. She wasn’t allowed to SPEAK her language or practice her culture. She advanced indigenous people’s rights and her work is still in use today.
Who is your greatest role model?
My Mema. She has taught me to fight in what I believe in and to not back down just because of a disagreement. She taught me the value of compromise and understanding one another.
What in your life are you most passionate about?
Indigenous people’s human rights. Our voice is still getting silenced and it is up to us who do have a voice to carry the problems that are being faced.
How do you spend your free time?
I talk to my friends, play video games, and read. Sometimes I go to the gym but that’s not as often.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to teach the importance of art in our culture by becoming a teacher. Art is in everything and is the one language everyone can speak.
If you could do one super impactful thing to help people, what would it be?
To protect the ICWA act. This act helps keep native American families together and preserves our culture.
Why is the Constitution relevant today?
Because it helps preserve what we have right now and helps us make decisions that can better the future of our nation.
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