Nicholas Heiniger
Nicholas Heiniger is from Marietta, Georgia. He is currently a second-year student at the University of Georgia, where he is studying international relations and Russian. During this semester, Nicholas is in Washington, D.C. in his university’s Washington semester program, and he is combining classes with an internship at the U.S. Russia Foundation. His interest in Eastern Europe stems from his participation in the National Scholarship Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), where he studied abroad in Kirov, Russia for six weeks during the summer of his sophomore year in high school. He still maintains contact with his host family and continues his passion for the Russian language by taking classes at his school and providing tutoring. Nicholas is a 2021 winner of Constituting America’s “We the Future” STEM competition, and he continues to further his interest in the Constitution through extracurricular activities in his university such as moot court, where he uses existing Supreme Court precedent to argue before a fictional Supreme Court. After college, he hopes to enter law school, become a lawyer, and eventually transition into diplomacy.
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