Maisie Munroe
Maisie is a twelve-year-old homeschool student who lives on a small cattle ranch in Florida. Maisie enjoys singing, playing guitar, making art, and horseback riding when she is not studying. She is involved with the local 4-H club and will show a steer at next year’s county fair. Maisie has won first place for two years at the Florida Parent Educators’ Sacred Music Contest held every year in Orlando. She regularly sings at Church. Maisie has a unique sound that makes her very popular. Maisie wants to study entomology in college and work as an insect expert for a creation apologetics organization. Living in Florida on a ranch, she certainly has access to a wide variety of insects.
Listen to her winning song below:
Was this the first time you entered the contest?
Yes, this was the first time.
How did you hear about the contest?
My brother entered the contest last year and I was able to travel to Washington D.C. with him. I couldn’t let him be the only one to enter the contest.
What inspired your work?
I love to sing songs to the Lord. Without the first amendment I may not be allowed to do that openly and freely.
What did you learn while creating your entry?
I have seen my brother write many songs. When I wrote this song I discovered that its harder than it looks.
How do you plan to spread the word this year to your peers about the importance of the U.S Constitution?
Most kids my age are not very aware of the Constitution or its importance in our life. So just talking to them about the Constitutions is a great starting point.
How do your friends respond to history or talking about the Constitution?
Most of my friends find it interesting.
What do you love about U.S History and the forming of our government?
I love that we stood up to a powerful empire based upon our moral belief in what was correct.
Which U.S. historical site would you like to visit?
I have not been to Lexington, Massachusetts since I was very young. I would like to go back and see the Munroe Tavern again.
Which American historical figure is most influential/inspirational to you?
George Washington could have been named king if he wanted but he decided to step down from power.
Who is your greatest role model?
Our Lord Jesus.
What in your life are you most passionate about?
I really like to sing and I really like horses.
How do you spend your free time?
I like to do artwork and ride horses and study insects.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to become an entomologist.
If you could do one super impactful thing to help people, what would it be?
There is no greater impact than to lead someone to Jesus.
Why is the Constitution relevant today?
The Constitution is the last defense we have against tyranny.
Great song and amazing young lady!
Another homeschooled kid with a great future ahead! Great song! Great vocals! Congratulations!
It is so refreshing to see someone young like Maisie
sharing her talent and her love for God and His creation. Congratulations to Maisie!!
I’m so proud & give thank to our Holly Lord for all wisdom & talent giving to this sweet girl Maisie.🙏🙏👏👏👏
I love the song! And a beautiful voice to go with a beautiful young lady, inside and out!