Emmanuel Egbe & Zidane LaPlante-Dorlean

Hi! My name is Emmanuel Mbianda Egbe, but everybody calls me Manny. I am creative, smart, and kind. My dad immigrated from Cameroon, Africa to the United States before I was born. I think what makes our country great is the different cultures, people, and ideas that we have here. I was born and raised in Denver, CO where I am a 7th grader at Hamilton Middle School. Hamilton is my neighborhood public school and has great kids and teachers. My favorite subjects in school are math, language arts, science, and music. I want to thank my music teacher Priscilla Shaw for entering me into this contest. When I’m not in school I like to spend time with friends and family, go to the movies, and play video games. I also like to play basketball and volleyball. After high school I want to go to college and become a mechanical engineer. If I could give any advice to kids I would tell them to keep following their dreams and do what they love.

Hi, I’m Zidane LaPlante-Dorlean, I am thirteen and I am a 7th grader at Hamilton Middle School in Denver, Colorado home of the Denver Broncos with my two moms, my older sister, and three doggies. I am a big sports person and I enjoy many subjects in school. I play baseball, flag football, basketball, and soccer, out of the sports I’ve listed my favorite sport is baseball. I’ve been playing baseball since the age of three and currently, I have been playing on the same team for almost six years. I play many positions on the team like the pitcher, third baseman, and first baseman. My favorite position is first baseman, whilst my favorite school subjects are Math, Robotics, and Social Studies. I love to hang out with my friends and play video games in my free time. My favorite place to travel is San Diago because of the beach. When me and my family go to San Diagio we stay in Carlsbad. I predict I will live near an ocean one day. When I become a 12th grader in high school I want to apply to SDSU and learn and study Ocean Biology. When I grow up I want to be an Ocean Biologist. When I’m older my dream house will be on the side of the ocean in Hawaii.

Listen to Emmanuel and Zidane’s Winning Song Below:

Our Interview With Emmanuel

Was this the first time you entered the contest?

How did you hear about the contest?
My music teacher Ms. Shaw told me

What inspired your work?
Learning about the constitution and what it was about

What did you learn while creating your entry?
How the constitution was made

How do you plan to spread the word this year to your peers about the importance of the U.S Constitution?
By educating people about the constitution and how it shaped the modern days of America

How do your friends respond to history or talking about the Constitution?
They respond with interest and they usually drag towards history and other subjects like that

What do you love about U.S History and the forming of our government?
I love how it’s a free country

Which U.S. historical site would you like to visit?
Washington D.C., the White House

Which American historical figure is most influential/inspirational to you?
Martin Luther King Jr.

Who is your greatest role model?
My mom

What in your life are you most passionate about?
Getting good grades and doing good in school

How do you spend your free time?
Playing video games, watching tv, going to the gym with my mom and doing activities with my mom

What are your plans for the future?
I am planning to become an engineer

If you could do one super impactful thing to help people, what would it be?
Stop world hunger

Why is the Constitution relevant today?
It is relevant today because people must know about the past and how we got to this current day and how far we have come


Our Interview With Zidane

Was this the first time you entered the contest
Yes it was

How did you hear about the contest?
My music teacher Priscila Shaw

What inspired your work?
My music teacher, she helps encourage us

What did you learn while creating your entry?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

How do you plan to spread the word this year to your peers about the importance of the U.S Constitution?
That it can help you

How do your friends respond to history or talking about the Constitution?
They’re not so with it

What do you love about U.S History and the forming of our government?
I think that it is pretty good

Which U.S. historical site would you like to visit?

Which American historical figure is most influential/inspirational to you?
Martin Luther King Jr

Who is your greatest role model?
Martin Luther King Jr

What in your life are you most passionate about?

How do you spend your free time?
Friend, video, hanging out with my family

What are your plans for the future?
Be in college

If you could do one super impactful thing to help people, what would it be?
Helping them with thing they need help with

Why is the Constitution relevant today?
To help people indeed

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