Howdy from Texas. I thank you for joining us! I have been absolutely swamped prepping pre-production for Constituting America’s RV road trip across the country!! Our winners are going to revealed throughout the next few weeks as we travel to the winners home states and film them for our documentary! Our first winner is revealed today.

He is Jacob Wood from California. He won Best Song High School. Jacob is very talented. Our judge, John Rich, chose his entry as the winner. Jacob is a talented songwriter, musician and has a wonderful voice!! Please check his out his song on our site and if all goes according to my mission, you will soon hear his song on the radio!!

Thus, with all the prep for our cross-country tour, I have been unable to keep up with our Federalist Paper’s daily read. Today, however, as I am on the plane to California, I am attempting to catch up on my reading and blogging.

Federalist Paper No. 74, by Alexander Hamilton, once again resonates the importance of being most vigilantly informed about the candidates we choose as President. Yes, we have a masterful system of checks and balances, but there are powers inherent in the office of Presidency and to those we must take note.

Knowledge is power. As I continue to read these papers. I am continually impressed by the fact that we must know our Constitution and understand the distinct powers that are given to our representatives. This is the only want that they may be kept in check and the majesty of the people protected.

The power of pardoning is one to be taken seriously. Thus, knowing the deeply rooted intentions of our President is essential, as he has the power to pardon anyone. We are so far removed from tyranny, and intrigue from foreign countries, that we grow lazy regarding the potential far-reaching and destructive powers a pardon may present.

Yes, at times, solitary wisdom may prevail over a mob of passions. Yet, power in one is always dangerous. Our Constitution goes to great lengths to prohibit powers from being invested in either one or the few.  However, in the instance of pardoning, the power is solely in the President.

History of our country has proven that this power has been treated with respect and dignity most of the time. However, there have been times when people who are most undeserving of a pardon have been pardoned. Up to now, they may have been benign in regard to how they affect our Republic but they may not always be.

We must thoroughly vet our candidates. Some day, a Presidential pardon may override the genius of the people and our Republic may be jeopardized.

God Bless,

Janine Turner
Sunday, August 15th, 2010


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