Federalist Paper 62 “The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessing of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?” Alexander Hamilton/James Madison


Let your voice be heard that you support limiting the size and length of bills, and making bills coherent for the American people and members of Congress to read and understand.


The Truth Act*makes the bills simple not “voluminous” and easy to understand not “incoherent” for both legislators and the American people.† Thus, it will be beneficial to the people, and to the Republic, that “laws are made by men of their own choice.”

T-The bills (including amendments) put forth by legislators are to be limited to single subjects,†and THIRTY pages, with U.S.†legal code interpretations in the side margins. An accompanying version of the bill is to be written in 5th grade reading level for easy and nationwide comprehension.

R-The bills (and consequent amendments) are to be READ by the legislators – the new amendments are to be underlined with the old version included for clarity. They are to be available for the American people to read – at least thirty days before voting.

U-The bills (and consequent amendments) are to be UNDERSTOOD by the legislators.

T-Before voting on the bills, Congressmen and Senators are to TESTIFY under oath that they have read and understood the bills and consequent amendments to the bills.

H-The American people are to HEAR the proposed – and final – version of the bills. The bills are to be read on camera and put online so that the people may HEAR (as well as read) the bill at least 30 days before voting on the bill occurs.

The indeterminably disastrous†effects of such voluminous and incoherent bills such as the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), Dodd Frank, the Patriot Act and the upcoming Immigration Bill are all examples of bills that were/are too voluminous and incoherent for both legislators and the American people, leading to America’s demise and Americans  loss of liberty.



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Thank you to the Truth Act Petition Signers Below:

Kevin Kennedy
Sherry Haut
Joseph Harrah
Ken Crawford
Kim Beautrow
Schley Carr
Tina Howard
Alex Murphy
Donald Muse
Sheila A Clemmons
Lynette Nickel
Robert Marsh
Steve Jones
Bill Finlay
Valerie O’neal
Stacie Jacobs
Amanda Hughes
Kurt Dreyer
Reid Davis
Richard Noonan
Robert Heard
Patti Campbell
Ralph L Overmyer Sr.
Chuck Morreale
Teresa Johnson
E Brown
Gary Moore
Dwight Cribb
Judy Miller
C..M. Mc Cullin
Phillip Lemkin
Charlie Colvin
Mark Manning
Walter Curtin
Donna Johnston
William Hyland
Allen Millett
Edwin Fish
Edmund Anaya
David Falkner
Tanya Fischer
James Georgeson
Christopher Folmar
Paul Debaggis
Phil Hesse
Earl Fajkus
Thomas Macdonald
Jamie Bell
Cathy Gillespie
F. Dwayne Conner
Cheri Moreno
Cheri Moreno
Butch Lanclos
Frank Castleman
Debbie Hewitt
Matthew Hickey
John L Knox
Matt Horne
Christopher Nicholson
Kyle Heffner
Timothy Bills
David Bruckner
Dexter Liu
Brian Gallacchi
Jeff Magee
Dennis Means
Patricia Gongola
Theresa Bovee
Robert Anderson
Gregory Mcdonald
Kelsey Moore
Stephen Dolloff
David Dringman
Jeff Davis
Rick Baker
Darryl Evans
Jonathan R. Fierro
Barry Hester
David Henefield
Charlie Bourgeois
Robert Medinger
Philip Hunt
Jeff Cooper
David Grant
Trinidad Pena
Sara Garcia
Robert Allen
David Henderson
Pamela Patrou
Regina Bartlein
G,H,G, Mitte
George Flores
Annette Bacon
James Leal
Eleanor Fortier
Alan Coleman
Joseph Nutter
Patrick Greenwell
Rickey Jones
Robert Garcia
Thomas Hardie
Edward Myers
William & Ronda Delafield
Anthony Guarini
Nancy Couden
Glenda Derish
Jacqueline Mccoy
Daniel Okabayashi
Todd Buckman
Ronald Bessire
Mariann Benway
Philip Cochran
Vince Hranicky
Susan Mcdonald
David Brockie
David Nicoara
Russ Jackson
M Hatcher
Mason Appel
Gregg Dykes
Pj Donner
Christine Hranicky
Daryl Dunaway
Edward Calame
Stephen Dunning
Larry Hernandez
Jeff Maggard
Debra Nichols
Kevin Mccrory
Doug Freeman
Mark Baker
Richard Hargraves
Randy Napolitano
Brad Essex
Robyn Harper
David Cochran
Melonie Mackey
Kelley Cahill
Lisa Johnstone
Jason Marshall-lang
Ralph L. Angelo, Jr.
Mike O'connell
Jerry Mindolovich
Kelly Limbaugh
Ray & Debra Carlson
Dennis Mcfarland
Carrie Glasgow
George Crain
Don Brand
Edwin Chisholm
Barbara Borgert
Malcolm Mcclinhie
Larry Campbell
Peter Agud
Judy Lekanides
Susan Jones
Rich Parker
James Lane
Craig Caudle
Floyd Mack
William Noyes
Michael Corrigan
Kenneth Benway
William Melvin
Michael Dibuono
Connie Bowser
Mark Horne
David Deurloo
Anne Bloch
Kenneth Bloch
James Kinsey
Cindy Cain
Richard Armstrong
Dana Mason
Tina Busby
Tim Beljavskis
Mike Nebgen
Jill Brimmer
Walter Diebert
Jake Katilus
Frank Fundak
Mark Defelice
Tom Einhorn
Elizabeth Gillanders
Scott Bird
Richard Mills
David Flaherty
John Morgan
Tim Brownfield
Donald Gillanders
Dianna Maynard
Shane Mcpherson
Winston Handwerker
Dean Bouillion
Susan Nielsen
Brett Froemke
Carl Griffing
Kenny Bryant
Carol Forrest
Frank Hughes
Ken Foyt
Timothy Mitchell
John Hume
Art Felker
Wayne Church
Robert Falco
James Diano
Steven Anderson
Bob Bryant
Julius Just
Gregory Mercer
Carl Miller
Brian Heien
Fred Barnett
Richard Brant
Anna Cervantes
Weatherly Hardy
Miroslav Nerad
David Dranschak
Paul Johnston
Greg Coughran
William Leonard
David Longacre
Frederick Jauch
Anne Bloch
Ken Brown
Mark Boyatt
Kevin Daniel
Darren Linder
Galen Cloud
Diana Monnich
Todd Hawks
Fredna Mcgehee
Martha Mcgehee
Ray Hicks
Rick Kitchens
Danny Cordova
Mark Carnahan
Michael Amowitz
Melanie Cervantes
Carmala Carpenter
Scott Brittin
Sandra Ozanich
Margo Ontiveros
Edwin Klein
George Devlin
Sean Boal
Elaine Nause
Marjy Chamberlin
Vicki Fry
Joseph Lacerenza
Lisa Payne
Jill Herring
Edward Douglas
Catherine Achenbach
Philip Accaria
Frank Grillo
Christine Gritt
Paula Marshall
Rita Anderson
Christie Allen
Christine Melnikov
Leta Eckroth
Cary Hearn
John Jordan
Beth Calvert
Mark Daugherty
Meredith Mascitello
Scott Gibson
Michele Freeman
Ron Mcpeak
David Jacquet
Barbara Juarez
Tierrah Brant
Jill Mccluskey
Neil Digiammatteo
Sue Leslie
James Knight
Lenora Naylor
Dale Horton
Mike Brusky
Joseph Bailey
Tom Osullivan
David Burchfield
Dolores Mulligan
Nina Ives
Marianne Buren
Linda Galgay
Joan Christie
Susan Breit
Arthur Heller
Joseph Cantone
John P. Dineen
Sally Aram
Charles Link
Barbara Baldwin
Victor Imparato
Ward Lathrop
Gerald Friend
Clarence Greene
Barbara Lathrop
Ryan Dodd
Betty Hawkins
James Els
Christine Monteith
Rex Housley
Steve Magee
Max Courtney
Kristopher Lyons
James Henson
Kathleen Craft
Thomas Hannan
Donna Dudley
Johannah Bruggeman
Vince Iuliano
Ronald Payne
Marlene Brewer
Cathy Gillespie
Nicholas Delgiudice
Pamela Butcher
Paul Meroni
Arline Gordon
Alfredo Gonzalez
Rick Bacher
Liz Bacher
Cathy Grippi
James Gaetano
Michael Duncan
Craig Daliessio
Richard Hatch
Randy Johnson
Eileen Hart
Richard Bernath
Daniel Harms
Jeff Glass
John Allen
Drew Dietrich
Brian Borrego
Charles Dahlquist
Joshua Lassonde
Jason Hill
Frank Morrow
Cliff Bosely
Amy Larchuk
Ed Manning
Kathleen Cassidy
David Freburg
Bryan Bustard
Marcel Jeannin
Jodi Joseph
Robert Folwell
Willow Howlett
Stacy Lewcun
Holly Davis
Shawna Kearley
John Hilderbrand
Lara Leitner
Frank Drackman
Robert Gilbert
David Draper
Richard Mullis
Christopher Bertling
Joe Frappier
Bonnie Barnes
Jon Barsanti, Jr.
Shannon Fox
George Becker
Ron Bernier
Nancy Gotobed
Harriet Doran
Karol Hancock
Harold Belcher
Paul Bowser
R C Lewis
Jack Coleman
Cynthia Hager
Laura Ludwig
John Henderson
Robert Lehnert
Israel Maskill
Robert Kenney
Carol Cumbie
Edward Hainsworth
Anne Dahlman
Perry Branson
Kathy Kauffman
John Cameron
Helen Clarke
Robby Bowling
Jeff Meier
Eric Carlstrom
Geoff Hall
Greg Diem
Walter Long
Cheryl Cairns
Michael George
Robert Johnson
Wayne Moore
David Denn
Stuart Creque
Deborah Hamilton
Stephen Hotstream
Rick Lawhorn
Meg Loisel
Scott Glover
Gerald Matheny
Ken Grossman
James Culotta Ii
Robert Leydon
Neal Paul
Stephen Huffman
David Norris
Richard Bernstein
Robin Hinderliter
Michael Marshall
Christopher Coughlin
George Abihider
Loretta Fairley
Scott Draper
Keith Holloway
Jason Alberts
Patricia Comiskey
David Hall
Kelly Kunst
Lisa Harrington
Tab Nesbit
Janet M Merritt
Michael Parrish
Kurt Hanke
Elaine Gottschalk
Jayme Fulkerson
Victoria Casares
Tracy Dains
Jeff Bobeck
Donald Donham
Samuel Kevin Cordell
Carol Malig
Daniel Gardner
Julia Newman
Ronald Mead
Robert Folwell
Karen E Cusano
Susan Davis
B. Paul Hablinski Sr.
Pete Dupuis
Lois Chookessi
Terry Ashmore
Rick Muelver
Darrin Diffee
William And Ann Cummins
John Hosie
Jeff Cooper
Terry Brewer
Peter G Klarman
Ben Giacalone
Sherry George
Mark Brotherton
Daniel Obrian
Susan B Currie
Ron Jenkins
John Morgan
Jimmy Asbill
David Kirby
Edward Bird
Eustis Gunter
Jacqueline Lynn
Frank Bejar Jr
Cathy Meyer
Robert Dorn
Diane Gilliland
David Loehr
Von Lute
Freddie Luquis
Mark Berlinger
Edward Fleck
Gerry Fortain
Martin Gauer
Bryan Grooms
Ladell Crookston
Gerald Laytin
Greg Mayhew
Salvatore Larosa
James Olvera
James Hull
Amy Anweiler
Charlton Colasont
James Holton
Evan Dewitt
Michael Healy
Nina Colegrove
Rick Bennette
Debra Clarke
Seth Howard
Michele Dearth
Jerry Curtis
Janet Legerski
Elizabeth Dickey
Jim Bunds
Jessica Lindsey
Tom Deam
William Pendleton
Maury Polse
Teresa Tierney
Malcolm Ready
Dale Thatcher
Michael Soden
James Raley
Donna Roberts
Cristi Ritchey
Tj Scott
Peter Sowatskey
Rose Marie Tomm-uchachote
Elizabeth Vedell
Margaret Plunkett
Maureen Quinn
William Turner
Embree Walker
Steve Romey
Timothy Tribbett
Gary Seifert
Raymond Whitehead
Lavorna Tester
Todd Pipkin
Bernard Pettie
Larry Wimber
Mary Thornberry
Glenn Tapley
Debra Ray
Jason Todd
Christine Wightman
Bumface Twat
Laine Ragsdale
Larry Schamber
James Readel
Jose Pineda
Mark Stradley
Karen Spillman
Donald Short
Heather Smith
Wendy Spaeth
Michael Williamson
Richard Williamson
Sandra Shelley Hernandez
Earl Whitehall
Jeff Weaver
Donald Wallin
William Thurnau
Ronald Tiracchia
Elmer Workman
Kenneth Ware
Noell Reed Jr.
Rick Shaw
Heather Tindall
Carol Valbracht
Mike Pepper
Lauren Terry
Wallace Shell
Barbara Riley
Betsy Scardino
William Whiting
John Seiler
James Stewart
Pamela Wright
Gary Surber
Stephen Vogler
John Roche
Harry Rhoades
David Scott
Stephen Walsh
David Turnbull
Victoria Shelton
Robert Steadman
David Robbins
Sandra Westmoreland
James Williams
Jacque Stroh
Rhonda Villa
Rick Valentine
Robert Stevens
Austin Ward
Jane Whittaker
Susie Scott
David Rempel
Thomas Pinnow
Mary Slone
Jean Van Wyckhouse
Gary Winckler
Harley Rhodes
Pamela Richmond
Scott Poreda
Woodrow Windischman
James Stonaker
William F. Pylate
Rick Utiger
Joshua Venable
Steven C. Ronilo
Samuel Peoples
Tammie Webb
Steven Ziegenbein
Cheryl Ries
Barney Stokes
Forrest Sealey
Wayne Root
Scott Rembe
Mark Tarrien
Louis Pror
Jerry Waller
Norma Turner
Robin Ulery
Patsy Shaul
Rudy Ruiz
Benjamin Wilkinson
Benjamin Qualls
Robert Trumbature
Eliseo Quiroga
Sandra Smith
Michael Spencer
Daniel Romero
Chas. Weldon
Patrick Switzer
Ronald Reed
Valerie Risher
Rocky Phipps
Chuck Trott
Foster Roberts
Doug Wilkey
Pat Shannon
Carolyn Zewe
Terri Wyatt
Craig Puchta
Robin Whitworth
David Stroud
Wendy Wills
Marcia Scattergood
Mitzi Webster
Joe Shermer
Nancy Trump
Morgan Stanton
Michael Redus
Pamela Richardson
John Pullins
Betsy Smith
Joe Santomo
Christine Rivera
Dot Ruest
Linda Walker
Genevieve Tripodi
Andrea Plattner
Mark Pritchett
Jordan Yentsch
Dennis Westervelt
Johnny Spivey
Margaret Sapir
Mary Lou Vaught
Doug Tweedie
Patricia Warnock
Rick Westcott
Joseph Rival
Braden Sweet
Peg Stueck
Dennie Riffett
Gary Perkins
Sylvia Withrow
Donna Shkursky
Robert Ryan
Patrice Schoppe
Terryl Welty
John Young
Jack Wheeler
Melanie Pever
Donald Wojtaszek
Melinda Petkovsky
Sheri Riddle
Elijah Vangordan
David Stipes
Cynthia Poole
Mario Yarnell-gonzalez
Arlon Webb
Scott Showers
Janine Turner-show
Janine Turner-reelingspirit
Janine Turner-sbcglobal
Richard And Carol Robinson
Linda Santarone
Patrick Potter
Virginia Valentino
Anna Runions
Lisa Rogers
Jeff Pendleton
Julyette Willmann
Tom Simons
Robert Rickert Iii
Joseph Velasquez
Terry Roberts
Tara Thompson
William E. Woodruff
Joe Reid
Marybeth Rambush
Li Tyler
Tracy Wackerman
Paul Stewart
Ronald Rutledge
Randy Plesea
L Ranney
Frank Purpera
Nicholas Psaltos
Jimmie Young
Lee Rini
Terri Reves
Constance Rossman
Brenda Smith
Fred Schaider
Joe Shawler
Elaine Wilhelm
Bryan Pettengill
Pauline Seeber
Curt Walker
Jeffrey Ward
Alan Phillips
Neil Rowland
Lloyd Stambaugh Jr
Marianne Turner
Mark Tebor
Alan Seevers
Gene Werner
Eugene Tighe
Ellis W Venia Jr
Freda York
Mitzi Smith
Bob Yeager
Steven Reeder
Joseph Russo
Mike Weigel
Danny Scallon
Randy Wright
Frank Puff
Roy Wilt
Walter Wilt
John L. Picou
Ralph Wind
Jeffery Tester
Tina Tillman
Marcelo Urias
William Riley
Robert Sommers
Leo Southworth
Allan Shaw
Hyman Tanner
Elizabeth Pike
Jeff Roach
Henry Phillips
Virginia Southern
Alan Wright

*The Truth Act is a work in progress. Send me your comments/suggestions!

1 reply
  1. Robert Krause
    Robert Krause says:

    All Bills must be read by Legislators prior to signing off, and everyone, including those signing, is bound by the Bill.


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