Tag Archive for: Normandy
1984, Ronald Reagan Defeats Walter Mondale: Geraldine Ferraro Nomination As Vice President And The Constitutional Implications Of The Feminist Movement
6. Guest Constitutional Scholar Essayists, 90 in 90 2016, Tony Williams 6. Presidential Elections and Their Constitutional Impact, 13. Guest Constitutional Scholar Essayists, 1984 Ronald Reagan Defeats Walter Mondale Geraldine Ferraro Nomination As Vice President And The Constitutional Implications Of The Feminist Movement, Cold War, Great Society, New Deal, Tony WilliamsMorning in America: Ronald Reagan & the 1984 Election
In his 1984 State of the Union Address, President Ronald Reagan laid out his principles and vision that had guided his first term and provided the foundation for his re-election campaign. He reminded voters that the economy was growing rapidly and was back on track after the horrific stagflation of the Carter administration. The “crisis of confidence” of the 1970s was conquered by a renewed American spirit. Reagan was proud to report that, “There is renewed energy and optimism throughout the land.” Indeed, he touted, “America is back, standing tall.”
A Memorial Day Message by Constituting America Founder & Co-Chair Janine Turner
6. Guest Constitutional Scholar Essayists, 90 in 90 2016, Janine Turner 6. Presidential Elections and Their Constitutional Impact, 13. Guest Constitutional Scholar Essayists, 14. Essays by Janine Turner, 17. Topics, A Memorial Day Message by Constituting America Founder & Co-Chair Janine Turner, Federalist No. 24, Federalist No. 25, Janine Turner, Revolutionary War, World War IConstituting America first published this message from Founder & Co-Chair Janine Turner over Memorial Day Weekend, 2010, the inaugural year of our organization. We are pleased to share it with you again, as we celebrate our 6th birthday!
On this Memorial Day weekend, I think it is appropriate to truly contemplate and think about the soldiers and families who have sacrificed their lives and loved ones, and given their time and dedication to our country.