Michelle Neyrey
Winner, Best Constitution Lesson Plan
Michelle Neyrey, 50, Best Teacher Lesson Plan winner, was born in Louisiana now living in Kingwood, Texas with her husband Keith. Michelle is a mother of twin boys. She has taught middle school for over 17 years in both private and public school. She feels if students experience history through various learning activities, they are more likely to actively participate in civic responsibilities as adults. There are a variety of learners in every classroom, and using visual, audio and kinesthetic strategies provides multiple ways the students can be engaged. She enjoys writing curriculum as well as creating strategies that work in the classroom, and sharing them with other teachers. In her classroom you might see a classroom Boston Massacre Crime Scene or the students wearing costumes during the Constitutional Convention reenactment, that she wrote a grant for. She has sponsored various organizations and clubs, planned speakers and field trips at her schools both in Texas and in Louisiana. She has written and won grants to bring heightened engagement to the classroom through technology. Michelle was named teacher of the year for her school at 2 different campuses in 2014 and in 2017. For the past six years she has presented to hundreds of teachers at Region 4 and Humble Independent School District to share these strategies.In the classroom she believes that you have to make history interesting, engaging and enjoyable. Students need to have stimulation whether it is visual, kinesthetic, or auditory. Students need a foundation and then tangible activities to cement the lesson into their long term memory. Within the last year she has become a Social Studies Specialist for Spring Independent School District writing curriculum and presenting Teacher Professional Development.
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