Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Howdy from Texas! I hope “y’all” had a great weekend. I hope you had a chance to start reading, ‘Miracle at Philadelphia.” It is such a great companion piece to what we are doing and did y’all watch the History Channel’s, “America: the Story of US?” It is fantastic!

I thank you for joining us today and I thank Professor Knipprath’s words of wisdom!

I hope you have a chance to check out my daily video today, (it’s on the website or the link to YouTube is on Facebook), and my daughter’s weekly video as National Youth Director, Week #2

Please spread the links via e-mail and Facebook. Today’s videos encompass quotes from Senator Patrick Moynihan and President Ronald Reagan and highlight the 1st Amendment and William J. Bennett’s book, “America: The Last Best Hope.”

As I read Federalist Paper No. 19 by Alexander Hamilton today I was intrigued with the following quote regarding sixteenth century Germany, “Military preparations must be proceeded by so many tedious discussions, arising from the jealousies, pride, separate views, and clashing pretensions, of sovereign bodies, that before the diet can settle the arrangements, the enemy are in the field.”

I find this phrase to be remarkably relevant today. We are experiencing so much “discussion” regarding threats to our country from foreign countries, so much “discussion” with foreign countries, so much dissension amongst our political parties and so much clashing pretensions from our Congress and Executive Branch that our vision is being obscured in regard to the fact that our enemy is in the field.

And Alexander Hamilton’s words about the lack of military alertness echoes forth a warning, too.

“The small body of national troops which has been judged necessary in time of peace, is defectively kept up, badly paid, infected with local prejudices, and supported by irregular and disproportionate contributions to the treasury.”

Are we prepared?

God Bless,

Janine Turner


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