Loren Crayton – Winner, Best Artwork
Loren Griffin Crayton, age 10, is an energetic and outgoing 4th grader who lives in Texas. Loren wakes up with a smile and loves learning and keeping busy with sports and other activities. Loren recently earned his black belt at 9 years old, and also enjoys lap swimming, playing baseball, basketball, and spending quality time with his family and teammates. In his spare time, Loren takes guitar lessons and is currently preparing for his winter recital. Loren has an appreciation for the creative arts and often visits museums, plays and musicals with his Mom and Dad on family vacations and during family outings. Loren recently attended his first Broadway show in NYC, and was super excited to meet the Tony award winning actor who played MJ in the musical. Loren also saw Hamilton in Dallas and now wants to enter a talent show after being inspired by these experiences. Loren continues to amaze his parents with his fearlessness in trying new things and not shying away from a challenge. Loren entered the Constituting America art competition just to try something new, and he thought he would have a different perspective from other kids. Loren’s family is excited to experience the next chapter in his journey!
Click here or scroll down to view Loren’s winning artwork.
Our Interview With Loren
Was this the first time you entered the contest?
How did you hear about the contest?
The art teacher at the elementary school encouraged all students in 4th grade to participate.
What inspired your work?
First my mom encouraged me to participate when I said I wasn’t very good at art. She recommended that I just give my perspective, and that it would be unique because it would be mine. I thought about the flag and what it means to me. Everyone is important and the flag is about justice and everyone coming together and lifting each other up, like the hands.
What did you learn while creating your entry?
Stay positive and don’t doubt myself. My Mom and Dad tell me all the time to put forth my best effort, and give things a try before saying I can’t do something.
How do you plan to spread the word this year to your peers about the importance of the U.S Constitution?
I plan to speak with my teacher and ask can I show a picture of my art entry to my class and tell them about the “Flag of Justice.” We are learning about the Texas Revolution and the Mexican War now, and I think it would be fun for my friends to talk about what the U.S. Constitution means to them. I can pass out different color notecards and create a poster board of responses from my classmates.
How do your friends respond to history or talking about the Constitution?
Generally history is not their favorite subject or talking about the Constitution. However, when it is fun and the teacher makes it interesting, then kids become interested. We did a social studies project in school and we had to pretend we were an important person from Texas Revolution time. We had to write in a journal and pretend to be that person and that was fun.
What do you love about U.S History and the forming of our government?
I like learning about the important people who formed our government and how they had to work together to do a lot of things to build this country. It is also interesting because a lot of it is still around today, and in place today like how the government represents the people and we have courts.
Which U.S. historical site would you like to visit?
I went to visit the MLK monument in Washington D.C. a few years ago. I would like to go back and see some of the other monuments like the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials.
Which American historical figure is most influential/inspirational to you?
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King and his use of the constitution in his speeches is very inspiring. Last year, I dressed as Dr. King and gave a speech at the school’s state pageant.
Who is your greatest role model?
Mom and Dad
What in your life are you most passionate about?
I love helping others and making sure everyone is having a good time and smile.
How do you spend your free time?
I love playing baseball and doing fun things with my family and friends. My family loves to travel and vacations are always fun.
What are your plans for the future?
I would like to play basketball and baseball in college, and then hopefully professional sports.
If you could do one super impactful thing to help people, what would it be?
I would start a charity to help the homeless so that people who live on streets and under bridges can get more help.
Why is the Constitution relevant today?
The Constitution helps me remember the people who protected our rights, and all of the people who have worked hard to fight for this country.
Your artwork is wonderful, Loren!!! Can I purchase a print of it?
Thank you Ms. Anna. I will give you a copy of my art. I am glad you like it. Thank you for your support!