Federalist No. 55 – Janine Turner
I am still reading the fabulous Contest Entries!! I want to thank all of the students who have taken the time to blend creativity with the Constitution. They are all fantastic!! I am reading the wonderful essays, watching all of the cool videos, PSAs, and listening to the fabulous songs in preparation to sending them to our judges.
Thus, I will have to write my essays for Federalist Papers 54, 55 and 56 starting on Thursday night. I will catch up!!!
In the meantime, I have been pondering a realization:
With our national debt, I do believe we have found ourselves on the cusp of a new age of national sacrifice. These are the times when we are to bridge our thoughts, our motives, our missions with the evaluation: is this best for me or for my country?
Are we, a country of such plenty, able to delay our addiction to immediate gratifications? Without a new national sense of sacrifice – we will have no life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We will have no rights at all. They will disappear with our national entitlement mentality.
We, the “genius of the people” must prevail against this debt that will doom us. We will.
God Bless,
Janine Turner
Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
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