W. Dennis Stephens is a government affairs counselor at K&L Gates. He previously served as a senior staff member for several House Republican members, including former Majority Leader Dick Armey. Dennis has more than 35 years working in Republican campaigns, policy, and political matters including more than 19 years experience as a Republican lobbyist.
Dennis works on a wide range of public policy issues including tax, technology, foreign policy, and transportation on behalf of Fortune 500 companies, associations, and small businesses.
Dennis has worked closely with many Republicans in the House and Senate including members of the Republican Study Committee. He has especially close relationships with the House Republican leadership and senior staff as well as many of the incoming freshmen.
In addition, Dennis has worked closely for more than two decades with every leading conservative activist and grassroots organization including The Heritage Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the Family Research Council.
Dennis is very active in the conservative movement and is a regular speaker for the Leadership Institute Capitol Hill Staff School. He is also consulted regularly by Republican elected officials to review both policy issues and electoral strategy and tactics.
Prior to working on Capitol Hill, Dennis spent three years in the second term of the Reagan Administration, including the Office of Presidential Personnel in the White House.