Charles K. Rowley is a Duncan Black Professor of Economics at George Mason University and General Director of The Locke Institute.
He has written nine books with his most recent book Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste just published by The Locke Institute in December 2010. He has also edited 32 books and published some 200 papers in such scholarly journals as The Journal of Political Economy, The Economic Journal, The Journal of Law and Economics, The Journal of Legal Studies, The Journal of Public Economics, Public Choice, Economica, The International Review of Law and Economics, The Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, The Washington University Law Quarterly and The Independent Review, as well as in edited books.
He was born in Southampton England, taught at the Universities of Nottingham, Canterbury, York and Newcastle Upon Tyne, and held summer fellowships at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University, prior to migrating to the United States to join Jim Buchanan and Gordon Tullock at the Center for Study of Public Choice in December 1983. He co-edited Public Choice between May 1990 and July 2007. He was a Founding Editor of The International Review of Law and Economics from 1980-1987.