[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Patriot Clubs are monthly meetings of friends and family of all ages, from 3 to 103, who gather to discuss the United States Constitution in a hip, cool and meaningful way.

Suggested activities include: founding father charades, baking revolutionary food, discussing and planning contest entries for Constituting America’s We the People 9.17 Contest, discussing favorite constitutional amendments, and most especially, reading the United States Constitution with a discussion about its relevancy.

Constituting America is asking all Patriot Clubs to video portions of their meeting and post on You Tube, naming it Constituting America (your State and town) Patriot Club.  We will post these videos on our site to inspire other clubs!

How to Get Started:

  • Hold the Meeting and You Tube it!
  • Upload to You Tube and name it: Constituting America’s (Your State and Town) Patriot Club
  • Email us the link so we can post on our website!
