Janine Turner has spoken in hundreds of schools (public, private, and charter) and civic organizations across the country, either in person or via Skype, with rave reviews (“electrifying,” “inspirational,” “witty,” “impactful,” “courageous”). Janine, representing Constituting America, believes that the Constitution is non–partisan and never discusses politics – ever.
Janine uses her speech and the corresponding quiz to emphasis unity and empower the students to realize their unique and valuable contribution to the governing of our country. Her speech is fun, entertaining, upbeat, and informative. It includes vibrant and compelling video clips from Constituting America contest winners—kids talking with kids. Not to mention, Janine hands out lots of prizes. Not only does the speech resonate, but the opportunity to enter the Constituting America We the Future Contest, to win money, a trip, a mentor, and to have their works and career—and school—promoted nationwide, is simply a remarkable and astonishing opportunity paralleled by no other organization. We look forward to hearing from you.
Review Our Fun Quiz Here.